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Gross anatomy (Thorax) 2

Reference: Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy

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The superior attachment of the external intercostal muscle is _____________.

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The posterolateral aspects of the __________ intercostal spaces are important sites for posterior thoracotomy incisions.

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There are ___________ pairs of intercostal muscles in the thoracic wall.

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The surgical creation of an opening through the thoracic wall to enter a pleural cavity is known as ___________.

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The axio-appendicular muscles act primarily on the ___________.

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The external intercostals are most active during expiration.

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The mortality (death rate) associated with sternal fractures is ____________.

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The inferior attachment of the serratus posterior inferior muscle is ___________.

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_____________ refers to dislocation of the costochondral junction between the rib and its costal cartilage.

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Anatomists refer to the superior thoracic aperture as the ___________.

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The superior attachment of the subcostal muscle is _____________.

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The 1st rib can be easily fractured.

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Clinicians refer to the superior thoracic aperture as the ____________.

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The inferior attachment of the serratus posterior superior muscle is ___________.

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To gain access to the thoracic cavity for surgical operations in the mediastinum, the sternum is divided in the _________ plane and ___________.

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Expiration is __________ unless one is exhaling against resistance.

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The ____________ are 12 fan-shaped muscles that elevate the ribs.

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A ____________  is a protrusion of abdominal contents into the thoracic cavity due to a defect within the diaphragm.

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The inferior attachment of the internal intercostal muscle is ___________.

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The superior attachment of the serratus posterior inferior muscle is _____________.

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The inferior attachment of the subcostal muscle is ___________.

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Surgeons use an __________ incision to incise the superficial aspect of the periosteum and then excise a wide segment of the rib required to enter the thoracic cavity and remove a lung.

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The inferior attachment of the external intercostal muscle is ___________.

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___________ is the displacement of a costal cartilage from the sternum.

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___________ muscles extend from the thoracic cage to bones of the upper limb.

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Which of the following is not a true muscle of the thoracic wall?

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The superior attachment of the transversus thoracis muscle is ___________.

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A fracture of the sternal body is usually a ____________.

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During passive expiration, the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and other muscles _________, _________ intrathoracic volume and _________ the intrathoracic pressure.

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The scalene muscles of the neck, which descend from vertebrae of the neck to the 1st and 2nd ribs, act primarily on the __________.

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The superior attachment of the serratus posterior superior muscle is _____________.

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The superior attachment of the internal intercostal muscle is _____________.

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____________ ribs have clinical significance in that they may confuse the identification of vertebral levels in radiographs and other diagnostic images.

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The superior attachment of levator costarum muscle is ____________.

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People who have had a heart attack usually describe the associated pain as a ____________ sub-sternal pain.

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The superior attachment of the innermost intercostal muscle is _____________.

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The weakest part of a rib is just anterior to its ___________.

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____________ provide resilience to the thoracic cage, preventing many blows from fracturing the sternum and/or ribs.

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The __________ muscles occupy the intercostal spaces.

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____________ is surgical removal of a lung.

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The internal intercostals are most active during expiration.

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Loss of innervation from the __________ can cause paralysis of half of the diaphragm.

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The inferior attachment of the transversus thoracis muscle is ___________.

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After sternotomy, the halves of the sternum are usually joined using ___________.

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Which of the following is fractured when a driver's chest is forced into the steering column during automobile accidents?

46 / 50

The inferior attachment of the levator costarum muscle is ___________.

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The inferior attachment of the innermost intercostal muscle is ___________.

48 / 50

Which of the following muscles does not serve as an accessory muscle of respiration?

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The innermost intercostals are separated from the internal intercostals by ____________.

50 / 50

The ___________ consist of four or five slips that radiate superolaterally from the posterior aspect of the inferior sternum.

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